Saturday, June 21, 2025 at 1:00 PM & 4:30 PM
To ensure that your dancer is prepared, please read all of the information below. Thank you for making the show a successful and fun experience for all involved. We are proud to showcase the talent of our dance students!
Any questions? Email .
Important Dancer Guidelines for Show Day
- Remove all nail polish, earrings, and other jewelry before arriving to the theater.
- Arrive to the theater in your costume with hair and make-up already finished. Dancers should wear their uniform tights with matching colored ballet slippers and no underwear underneath. Dancers in more than one class are encouraged to wear a skin colored camisole leotard with their tights on top so that they can change costumes quickly.
- To create a sleek high bun be sure to use extra gel and/or hairspray so that there are no hair wispies. See this video on how to create performance-ready bun.
- Dancers that choose to wear a mask onstage should wear a Bloch brand skin colored mask, or they can wear a disposable mask while backstage and dispose of the mask before going on stage.
- In order to provide a secure environment dancers must be checked in by one guardian and checked out by that same guardian. All other friends and family should wait in the lobby. This extra precaution can cause delays, so please be patient. Our primary concern is the safety of our dancers.

When Is Dress Rehearsal?
We will have an in studio dress rehearsal beginning June 9 – June 14 during your regularly scheduled class. Please be prepared for one parent/guardian to attend class to receive information about the showcase.
Where Is Dress Rehearsal?
At Ballet 180 School during regular class times.
How Should I Arrive for Dress Rehearsal?
Students in Tots through Beginner 2, please arrive in your costume with performance hair and make up. Ballet 1 & up, please arrive in your dance uniform and bring your costume(s) with you.
When Is the Showcase?
Showcase is Saturday, June 21 at 1:00 & 4:30
Where Is the Showcase?
The Showcase will be at Upper Merion Middle School located at 450 Keebler Rd King of Prussia, PA 19406
What Time Should Dancers Arrive On Show Day?
Dancers should arrive 1 hour prior to the start of the show. For example, students participating in the 1pm show should arrive at 12:00pm
How Do I Know Which Show My Dancer Is In?
Tots, Pre-ballet, Beginner levels, and Ballet 1 perform in only one show. Their show time is based on the day that their class meets:
- Monday & Wednesday Classes = 1:00PM show
- Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Classes = 4:30PM show
The following classes perform in both shows:
- Ballet levels 2, 3, 4, 5
- Contemporary levels 2, 3, 4, 5
- Hip Hop 2, 3
- Jazz levels 2, 3, 4, 5
- Tap levels 2, 3, 4, 5
- Musical Theatre
- Student Company (all levels)
Do I Need to Stay for the Whole Show?
Yes, all participants must stay until the end of the show. We also ask audience members to stay until the show is complete as a sign of respect for the dancers on stage.
What Should I Bring On Show Day?
Dancers in only 1 dance/show should arrive in their costume and dance shoes. To expedite dismissal, please do not bring water bottles or anything extra.
Dancers in multiple dances should arrive in their first costume/shoes with a nude camisole leotard underneath. Bring additional shoes in a bag with their name on it as well as their additional costume(s).
Dancers in more than one show may bring a nut free snack and warm ups for between shows.
How Do I Protect My Things Backstage?
We ask that you leave all valuables at home and only bring the necessary items to perform with you (i.e. costumes and shoes). Belongings will remain in dressing room areas during the show. Please label all of your things with your name,
What Should I Do About Eating On Show Day?
Dancers in more than one show may bring a nut-free snack for between shows.
May I Take Photos or Videos of the Show?
Please refrain from photos or videos as they can obstruct the viewing experience for other audience members.
Who Needs to Buy A Ticket?
Anyone who is sitting in a seat in the theater needs a ticket. Children under 3 who are sitting on an adults lap do not need a ticket. Performers will remain backstage and therefore do not need a ticket.
How Do I Buy Tickets?
Tickets can be purchased online starting on April 15 at 9:00 PM.
How Do I Change My Ticket Seats or Show Time?
All ticket exchanges must be done through our ticket provider, TutuTix. They can be reached at 855.222.2849 or 435.222.2849 Option 1 between 9 AM – 8 PM Monday through Saturday and 12 PM – 8 PM on Sundays.